Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Semitism

Has God forsaken Israel? The mystery of the church and Israel. What is in store for the nation of Israel?

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Friday, April 12, 2024

How To Believe With the Heart

Sins are held in the heart or spirit of man. Therefore, the heart or spirit must be circumcised. Sins are destroyed by water baptism.

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Obedience to the Present Proceeding Word of God

A call to action. Sealing the servants of God. Press toward the mark!

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Friday, April 5, 2024

Racism? Socialism?

JESUS is not racist. JESUS died for all. All are blessed who obey the Gospel.

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The Sealing of God's Church

Revelation 7 truth. Sealing happening now. Tabernaclist not Pentecostal.

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Present-Day Apostles

Apostles and prophets spearhead the church into all truth for the perfecting of the church. 7 angels include the present-day apostles.

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The Great Thing

Sealing God's servants by this Word. The glory of God. Tabernaclist.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Foundational Truths Essential To Know the True God

Resurrection vs. Glorification. Doctrine of Christ. God made of no reputation. (The Greek word "kenóō" means to make empty or void.)

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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Can You Trust the Bible?

JESUS the True God, the Inerrant Word of God. The Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in JESUS!

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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

God's Present Truth Will Shock You

A radical change in this new thing God is doing. Not church as usual. 4 angels holding back the 4 winds that hurt the earth.

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Angels Among Us

Angels among us for the work of the ministry. Knowledge of God will be increased due to the angels running to and fro in the earth. The work of the ministry will be manifest in all the world that JESUS is the LORD.

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The Great Tribulation - Part 2 of 2

Jacob's trouble explained. Tribulation (trouble) versus The Great Tribulation. The Day of the LORD explained.

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The Great Tribulation - Part 1 of 2

Jacob's trouble explained. Tribulation (trouble) versus The Great Tribulation. The Day of the LORD explained.

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Cheap Grace Versus True Grace

What is grace? Righteousness by which grace reigns. Holiness required for salvation.

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Friday, December 1, 2023

Is JESUS Now the Spiritual Body of the Spirit of God?

Christ the Spirit vs. Christ the man. JESUS' resurrection vs. JESUS' ascension. JESUS glorified with the Father.

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JESUS the man - Resurrection Versus Glorification

Veil rent making one new man. God made Himself of no reputation to take on a body of flesh. JESUS - Jehovah Is Salvation by His Sprirt.

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The Relevance of The Revelation

Essential for the sealing of the servants of God (the church). To birth Christ in you to the fullest. Fully mature Christians.

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The 7s or Perfection for the Body of Christ

Seven (7) is a number of perfection. We are called to go to the measure of the stature of JESUS. Growing up into JESUS in ALL things.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Behold Christ - The Revelation of God

Christ the Spirit in relation to Christ the man. The humiliation and glorification of Christ. Christ is the Father Who is the Son. 1 John 2:22.

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The Two Witnesses in the Last Days

Cherubim are two olive trees who are the living creatures. The beasts of Revelation are not angels. The beasts or living creatures will preach the Gospel to all the world.

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Angels (And the Last Day Work of God)

Angels are "messengers". Ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation. Angels used by JESUS for judgments upon the earth.

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God's Judgments Reveal Who He Is

God's strange work, His strange act. Newborn babes, little children, young men, fathers. Who are the 4 beasts?

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Friday, October 13, 2023

Do Not Miss the Mark!

Sealing of God's servants. God has changed seasons. The "New Thing" is not revival or church as usual.

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Carnal Mindedness?

Affections on the things of this world (cars, houses, lands). Idolatry is coveting the natural things of this world. To be carnally minded is death. 

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Why So Few Will Enter Heaven

A root of bitterness spring up. No crucified life. Selling our birthright.

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What Is the "Gospel"?

The true Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of God. The "Good News". The Gospel is One God who is One Person. 

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Angels? Who and What Are They?

Angels are ministering spirits for those who are heirs of salvation. Angels work according to the commandment and voice of the Word. Some have entertained angels unawares.

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What Is the "Latter Rain"?

Why is the latter rain so profoundly different from the former rain Pentecost? JESUS, Moses, and Elijah minister. The church is called for the work of the ministry.

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Can You Bear the Truth?

What is righteousness? Mystery of Christ Who is One not three. The true JESUS.

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Climate Change? Or God's Judgments? Major Rivers Drying Up Globally

Euphrates is drying up. Sign of the end of days. Battle of Armageddon.

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Why “Seraphim” Have Six Wings Reaching Elohim Status

Seraphim = burning fiery ones. Cherubim have 4 wings with 4 faces. The church called for the work of the ministry.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

This Podcast Rated “M” for Mature Christians

God's sword will be on the righteous as well as the wicked. Know the work of God. The righteous shall be saved.

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Fire! Fire! All Will Be Melted and Elements Will Be Dissolved

JESUS is a consuming fire! Christians will be clothed upon. We will wear a heavenly body.

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The "Great Thing" That Is Next on God's Calendar

The "Great Thing" is the Last Great Rain of God's strength. The latter rain of the Holy Ghost. The church that has grown to the measure and stature of JESUS will be God's instrument.

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The New Thing Is the Great Thing That God Will Do

The new wine is the new thing put into new wineskins. The new season of God. Body of Christ having a change of raiment for the new thing.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

World Equity - Woke Ideology

White Supremacy dividing America. Calling good evil and evil good. Stand for truth in the face of evil.

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Are the Church Leaders and Pastors of Today Proclaiming the Truth?

Why are pastors in the last days prophesying by Baal? What does the spirit of Baal prophesy? Peace when there is no peace.

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Why So Few Will Be Saved

Those who say they will have no birth pains in tribulation will be destroyed by God. The truth will be revealed only to those who seek God with a pure heart. Few will find the way to life.

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Most Churches Do Not Teach nor Are Established in the Doctrine of Christ

If any man abide not in the doctrine of Christ he does not have God. (2 John 9). We must be established in the doctrine of Christ. Christ is every office and function of the Spirit.

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God Has Changed the Church Into a New Season

Church, as the body of Christ, is being measured in truth. The season that we, the church, are in now is Tabernacles. We are now in throne room revelation, not Pentecostal revelation.

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Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Semitism

Has God forsaken Israel? The mystery of the church and Israel. What is in store for the nation of Israel? Check out this episode!

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