Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Monday, July 3, 2023

God Doing the “New Thing" Is NOT Revival

It will not be church as usual. The radical change from Pentecost to the present season of the church. The believer must be sealed.

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Radical Move of God

Church called for the work of the ministry. The "New Thing". Sealing of God's servants.

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JESUS Only Training Center

Sealing of God's servants. Last day season of Tabernacles. Gospel preached to all the world.

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Snow, Fire, and Hail in the Revelation of JESUS

Body of Christ in the work of the ministry. Tabernaclist not Pentecostals. Last day work of the ministry.

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

ISIS, Astarte, Tammuz Attacking the True Gospel of JESUS Christ

Glory JESUS changed. Sealing of God's true servants. The body of Christ must come together.

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Lest God Smites the Earth With a Curse

Last day work of the ministry. Do the will and purpose of God. Charity is love for God in doing His will.

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True Easter?

What is the truth of the season of Easter? Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord JESUS. Coming back and returning to the true God, JESUS Christ.

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Friday, April 7, 2023

The Rod of the Church

The body of Christ is being measured. The sealing of the true servants of God. The work of the JESUS ministry.

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What Is God Doing Now?

God is calling every believer to be fitly joined together. Evil men and seducers growing worse. Tabernaclist is the present season of truth, not Pentecostal. 

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

The End of the World

Know what the Bible states about the end. Wrath of God. Those believers who are sealed in their foreheads.

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God Is Fitly Framing His Body Together

Body of Christ coming into all truth. Into the unity of the faith. Having the testimony of JESUS. 

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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Love Versus Charity

Charity will cover a multitude of sins. Charity is the bond of perfectness. Doing the individual's will of God. 

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Is “Born Again” Salvation for the Soul?

Born again versus salvation. Different stages of growth in the Lord JESUS. Must do the will of God. 

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Contact Me Let’s Work Together

Obey the divine commission. Lift up JESUS. Walk in the present truth. 

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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The 7 Churches in The Revelation

Obedience to the voice of JESUS to the 7 churches. Any problem the church faces today is solved by either of the 7 churches. "I know thy works" as stated by JESUS. 

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No More Pentecostals We Are Now Tabernaclists

What is the present proceeding Truth? Who are the fathers? Pentecostal vs. Tabernaclists.

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God Doing the "New Thing" Is Not Revival

The "New Thing" is now being revealed to His servants. The sealing of His servants. "Tabernaclists" not "Pentecostals". 

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

To ‘Do Good’ Is Essential for Salvation

Walk in the present truth. Growing up into JESUS into all truth. Work out your own salvation by obedience to the will of God. 

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JESUS Will Do the "Great Thing”

The last great rain of God's strength. Last day harvest of souls. The latter rain.

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Latter Rain Harvest of Souls Turned Away by God

God withholds the latter rain because of lies and deceit. Prophets who prophesy falsely. Pastors rule through false prophets.

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God Is Calling You for His Work

Latter rain versus the former rain. The manifested sons of God truth. Present proceeding Word to you.

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God Will Deliver You

Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Tribulation and persecution on true believers. The glory revealed to you.

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Born Again? How Do You Know?

The human spirit must be circumcised by baptism. To believe with the heart is to believe with the spirit. The human spirit must have the body of sin cut off by baptism. 

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Mystery Babylon the Great and the Beast That Carries Her

All nations deceived and hatred for Christians. The sealing of God's servants is essential. Last day "work of the ministry".

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The antichrist - Message of Peace

Destroys many saying peace whereas the sword reaches to the soul. Mainstream denominations are out of the way of present truth. The true and real body of Christ has the leading of the Holy Ghost.

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Do Not Hide Your Talent

Do not hide your talent. Each believer must do the will of God. Not a hearer of the Word but a doer. Only those that do the will and purpose of God will enter heaven. 

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Friday, February 10, 2023

Why Are There So Many False Prophets?

How to try the spirits to see if they are of God. Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness vs. JESUS Only. Don't be deceived.

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Truth! What Is Truth?

JESUS is the truth. Death, burial, and resurrection is the first season of God. Pentecost is the second season. We are now in the last season of God.

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Led in the Paths of Righteousness

Grace, what is it? Full maturity in order to be sealed. The Last day sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads. 

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Latter Rain? Manifested sons of God? - Part 3

The true latter rain and manifested sons of God. Returning to the true One God who is JESUS only. Only those believers who do the will of God will have entrance into the King door of heaven. 

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Latter Rain? Manifested sons of God? - Part 2

He that speaks of himself seeks his own glory. The true JESUS revealed. The true latter rain.

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Spots in Your Feasts of Charity

Churches gathering not regarding the work of the LORD. Body of Christ called for the work of the ministry. Body of Christ coming into the unity of the faith.

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The True Latter Rain of the Holy Ghost

The 3 1/2 year JESUS ministry. Latter rain - last day harvest of souls. Last day work of the ministry.

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Latter Rain? Manifested sons of God? - Part 1

The true last day rain of the Holy Ghost. The true manifestation of the sons of God. Present-day sealing of God's servants in their foreheads.

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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Synagogue of satan

Some say they are Jews and are not. Spiritual circumcision of the heart is to believe with the heart. Why water baptism in the name of JESUS Christ is essential for salvation.

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JESUS Was Conceived in Hanukkah

JESUS is the Light of the world conceived in the Feast of Lights. JESUS is the One Spirit. The revelation of JESUS the Christ.

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What Do You Do When You Are Wronged?

What do you do when you are lied and cheated on? Root of bitterness. How to stop the strife.

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Mankind Has the Residue of the spirit

God made male and female one. God looked for a holy and godly seed. The mystery concerning Christ and the church.

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JESUS Is Being Revealed as One

When judgments are in the earth, men will learn who He is. That JESUS is One Spirit and One Person. The revelation of JESUS is that He is that Spirit.

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Who Was Born in the City of David?

Who is Christ the Lord? Why Bethlehem? JESUS is Emmanuel, not Emmanuel Jr.

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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Semitism

Has God forsaken Israel? The mystery of the church and Israel. What is in store for the nation of Israel? Check out this episode!

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