Sunday, July 5, 2020

Charity - Essential for Salvation

The sealing of God's people. We are growing up into Him in all things through the feasts of charity. Charity must be obtained which is the final step of glory in the fathers to be sealed in their foreheads the servants of God. We find in 2 Peter 1, these are the steps of glory that we must add to our faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and finally charity. The ones that say we do not go on to perfection are spots in the feasts of charity because they do not believe the Word of God. They must come to perfection. The ones that do believe that there is more for the body of Christ will come to the feast of charity. Charity is the final step in glory for the fathers to be sealed in their foreheads. 

Check out this episode!

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Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Semitism

Has God forsaken Israel? The mystery of the church and Israel. What is in store for the nation of Israel? Check out this episode!

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